PM Insights Foster City presents

 This event has been cancelled

Garbage In, Gorilla Out – Agile Business Teams 


When:   September 22, 2015 6:00pm-8:00pm
Where:  VISA, Building M1 Auditorium, 900 Metro Center Boulevard, Foster City - Map
Last day for online registration: 9/18/2015
This event has been cancelled - we apologize for the inconvenience

GIGO is a term that reaches back to the dawn of the commercial computer age. It's a fundamentally simple fact that states “computers will unquestioningly process the most nonsensical of input data ("garbage in") and produce nonsensical output ("garbage out")."

We know it doesn't work with computers. So why do we insist on trying it again and again with developing products? That's like giving Wolfgang Puck a MacDonald's Happy Meal and asking him to make duck foie gras. A magic development soup can't make bad requirements better.

Garbage In, Gorilla out takes a look at how to use agile principles in the product visioning phase. From ideation to "shovel ready" it will lay out a series of steps and the exercises to make sure you understand just what is being built, before its ready to hand to the customer.


- Learn a Business Level Iteration Loop that plugs into an agile delivery process.

- What is a Product Owner Team, and why is it necessary?

- The right way to conduct an agile pilot.

- How to business prioritize features for agile delivery. 


About the Instructor:

bancroftconnorsJOEL BANCROFT-CONNORS is an experienced agile practitioner who is dedicated to solving the challenges associated with enterprise programs and projects. Joel has over 20 years of experience managing programs, projects and products that support the use of agile and lean methodologies to drive better business results and outcome.
Having worked in roles from customer support, product management, quality, to program management, Joel understands challenges across the business and is able to help organizations navigate change while guiding teams and individuals along the path to agility. He is passionate about making the world a better place through people and uses his coaching and facilitations as the vehicle for change.


Meeting Leader:  Karol Jurado  


Contact Meeting Leader 


PDU Info:   1.5 - Category A

Click here for PDU claiming instructions  

Program Agenda:

6:00 PM - Sign In and Networking

6:30 PM - Featured Speaker

8:00 PM - Meeting Adjourn

Food: Complimentary snacks and non-alcoholic beverages


Online Registration

PMI Silicon Valley Members: $10

Non-Members: $20

Full-time Student: $5 (online only; contact Meeting Leader for the discount code. Please bring Student ID card to the event)

At-the-Door Registration

A limited number of registrations can be accepted at the door on a first-come, first-served basis. Once this limit has been reached, the event will be closed to additional attendees.

PMI Silicon Valley Members: $20

Non-Members: $30

(Only Check or Cash accepted; make checks payable to "PMI Silicon Valley")

Cancellation Policy

This event is a professional society meeting, held for the benefit of its members. The Plan Ahead registration fee paid is based on the registrant's ability to commit to attendance, ahead of time. The Plan Ahead registration fee will not be refunded for any reason, other than event cancellation, after normal business hours (5:00 PM, Pacific) on the registration deadline day. The PMI - Silicon Valley Chapter reserves the right to make last minute changes to program content and speakers, as circumstances dictate.

Click here for refund Request