When:  12 August 2015, 5:30pm-8:30pm

Where:   Sunnyvale Community Center - Ballroom, 550 E. Remington Drive, Sunnyvale


Last date for On-line Registration: 08/10/2015

PM Insights-Sunnyvale:  Project Opportunity--Risk Sink or Risk Source?

The files for this event can be found in the following link - pdf Project Opportunity - Risk Sink or Risk Source  

Presentation Description:


Project opportunities and risks are interrelated. This session will discuss three aspects of project opportunity management, two that tend to increase overall project risk and one that may serve to moderate it. The main focus of project opportunity management is to maximize the goals and expectations associated with the work. The more aggressive the goals, the more overall risk the project represents.

A second focus of opportunity management involves effort to optimize project plans to best meet the highest priorities for the work. Tactics such as adding resources to compress schedules involve trade-offs that increase opportunity but generally also increase risk. Projects also contain at least some uncertainty that could potentially benefit the project. This presentation will explore all three types of opportunity management and show how project leaders can better understand and manage overall risk in each of the three cases.

Following the presentation, attendees will be able to:

• Distinguish between opportunities involving choice and opportunities involving uncertainty

• Understand the relationship between pursuing opportunities and increasing project risk

• Make project decisions that increase the benefits associated with opportunities while minimizing the associated risks


 About the Speaker


Kendrick 100x142Tom Kendrick (PMP)

Tom Kendrick (PMP) is currently Program Director for the UC Berkeley Extension Project Management Curriculum. He is also author of Identifying and Managing Project Risk, Third Edition (AMACOM, 2015), Results Without Authority, Second Edition (AMACOM, 2012), the Project Management Tool Kit, Third Edition (AMACOM, 2014, and 101 Project Management Problems and How to Solve Them (AMACOM, 2010).

Tom has regularly conducted classes and presentations on program, project, and risk management. Tom spent 20 years with Hewlett Packard in its Project Management Initiative and a variety of other project management responsibilities. He has over 35 years of worldwide PM experience, including work for Visa Inc, DuPont, General Electric, and as an independent consultant.

Tom has a BSEE from Princeton University, an MSEE from the University of Pennsylvania, and an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He is past president and ongoing volunteer for the PMI Silicon Valley Chapter.

PM Insights - Sunnyvale is an excellent opportunity for members and non-members to network with peers and stay on top of our ever-changing Silicon Valley career environment and the skills needed to survive. The event is a combination of networking, career environment scanning, and a topical presentation on a career management related subject. For Project Management Professionals (PMP) the event offers educational credit toward maintaining your certification credential.


Meeting Leaders:  Kuntal Thakore, PMP, CSM   Contact Meeting Leaders

PDU Info:  2.0 - Category A  PDU claiming instructions

Program Agenda:

5:30 PM - Sign In and Networking
6:15 PM - Featured Speaker
8:30 PM - Meeting Adjourn

Food:  Complimentary snacks, non-alcoholic drinks, popular Samosas/Chutney

On-line Registration

PMI Silicon Valley Members: $10
Non Members: $20
Full Time Student: $5(online only; Contact Event Host for the discount code. Please bring Student ID card to the event)

At-the-Door Registration

A limited number of registrations can be accepted at the door on a first come, first served basis. Once this limit has been reached, the event will be closed to additional attendees.  

PMI Silicon Valley Members: $20
Non Members: $30
(Only Check or Cash accepted;Make checks payable to "PMI Silicon Valley")

Cancellation Policy

This event is a professional society meeting, held for the benefit of its members. The Plan Ahead registration fee paid is based on the registrant's ability to commit to attendance, ahead of time. The Plan Ahead registration fee will not be refunded for any reason, other than event cancellation, after normal business hours (5:00 PM, Pacific) on the registration deadline day. The PMI - Silicon Valley Chapter reserves the right to make last minute changes to program content and speakers, as circumstances dictate.

Click here for Refund Request